LEGO Serious Play training FAQ
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Facilitation Training and Certification


You have questions?

We have answers

We hope you will find the answer you are looking for in the list below, if not head to our contact form and drop us a message.

Frequently asked general questions
  • Can I get trained by or at LEGO?
    No. In 2010 The LEGO Group made the LEGO Serious Play method Open Source. The LEGO Group does not offer any kind of training.
  • Are there any trainers officially approved by the LEGO Group?
    No. You can only get trained by organisations that are not part of, owned or approved by LEGO. It is worth noting that LEGO recommended that people wanting to use the method undertake facilitation training in the Open Source Guide they wrote (pages 30, 38 and 40).
  • What is the 'Open Source Guide' and where can I get a copy?
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    The Open Source Guide is a 48 page PDF written by LEGO in 2010. It describes the basic principles of LEGO Serious Play and has been made available by the LEGO Group under an ‘Attribution Share Alike’ Creative Commons licence.

    You can view and download a copy
  • Who owns LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®? (And a link to the Trademark Guidelines)
    The LEGO Group own the LEGO Serious Play intellectual property (IP), but in 2010 they made the method 'Open Source' and licensed the IP under a creative commons 'Attribution Share Alike’ licence.

    This means anyone is free to use, share and adapt the method, provided appropriate credit is given. We have built our training programmes using, adapting and developing the basic ideas.

    LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is also subject to a set of
    Trademark Guidelines. Facilitators who use LEGO Serious Play MUST abide by these clear rules.
  • What are the pros and cons of the different training providers?
    There is a small and eclectic mix of organisations offering very different models of LEGO Serious Play training. The original model (referred by some trainers as '2.0') is a 4 day 'didactic' taught experience that gives participants a thorough experience of being facilitated with a strict adherence to a set of fixed ideas.

    Our training takes a different approach. We use practice based learning. We focus on facilitation of the method and combine other excellent facilitation tools and techniques that help lead groups to successful outcomes.

    Graduates of our training leave with the confidence and skills to immediately apply the method in real world settings because they have already facilitated the group during the training.

    You could think of the SERIOUSWORK training as being the 3.0 version of teaching and learning of facilitating the LEGO Serious Play method.

    We have direct experience of the well known trainers, if you'd like to discuss the pros and cons of each, please get in
  • Who owns the Core LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Process?
    The core LEGO Serious Play process described in the LEGO Open Source Guide is owned by the LEGO Group, subject to the creative commons licence. Anyone can use, share and adapt, the core process provided they give due credit to the LEGO group.

    The LEGO Open Source Guide describes the core process as:

    1. Set the Challenge > 2. Build > 3. Share

    1. Context > 2. Build > 3. Reflect > 4. Integrate

    We think LEGO Serious Play meetings and workshops are most effective when following a six step process. Or you might think of it as a two + four process. Two vital steps in the preparation phase, and then during a workshop (often many cycles of) a four step process with participants. (2021 Note. We have updated this model, it is described in our 2020
    book Mastering and we cover this extensive update in trainings).
  • What does certification mean?
    Certificate - noun: "A document confirming that someone has reached a certain level of achievement in a course of study or training. A university accredited certificate."

    All current LEGO Serious Play certification processes, no matter which training provider, offer 'certificates of completion'.

    Provided you complete the training course you get a certificate of completion, this kind of certification does not mean people who are 'certified' have met quality assured standards of practice.

    However with SERIOUSWORK courses, trainees practice their facilitation skills and get feedback from peers. We'd argue that SERIOUSWORK certification is the gold standard. SERIOUSWORK Certified Facilitators have actually facilitated workshops using LEGO Serious Play during training.
  • Will I be a certified LEGO Serious Play facilitator after training?
    Yes. Provided you complete the training and practice facilitating individual model building and shared model building you'll receive a certification.
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    After training you can use the following designation and logo on your website, business card, email footer etc.
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  • How do I become a Certified™ Professional Facilitator?
    The International Association of Facilitators have a peer reviewed certification: the 'Certified™ Professional Facilitator'. We can mentor you through the process of becoming an IAF Certified™ Professional Facilitator.

    IAF certification is impartial and after peer review of your skill, you can attain a higher level of facilitation certification.

    SERIOUSWORK are developing with IAF a competency based certification process specifically for LEGO Serious Play that trained facilitators who have completed any training programme with any trainer can proceed too.

    We aim to drive the quality of practice up though peer reviewed competency assessment processes.
  • What are LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® 'Applications'?
    LEGO describe ‘applications’ as detailed roadmaps of different workshops which make use of the LEGO Serious Play principles and philosophy used with LEGO® bricks.

    In the 2010 LEGO Open Source Guide LEGO said, 'New applications will be developed by the international community of users, and may be shared online. In this new phase, we welcome creative uses of these tools, and innovation in the community.'

    SeriousWork book describes in detail five 'roadmaps' for the following applications:

    • Goal Setting
    • Team Building
    • Shared Vision
    • Ideas Workshops
    • Values and Behaviours Workshops

    LEGO Serious Play - Typical Applications & Build Levels
    LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Applications
Online training specific questions
  • Does the online training and content cover both ONLINE and CLASS BASED workshops?
    Good question! Both of our two day classes (online and face-to-face) teach participants how to facilitate LEGO Serious Play Build Level 1 - Individual Model Building and Build Level 2 - Shared Model Building, BUT in different environments.

    The direct answer to this question is no. The online class includes specific skills needed to facilitate LEGO Serious Play online. The face-to-face class includes specific skills needed to facilitate LEGO Serious Play with a group in the same room.

    Both trainings are based on the core LEGO Serious Play ideas, each with a focus on teaching you how to facilitate given the needs, constraints and opportunities of different environments.

    Having delivered many of both classes, we'd say the online graduates are slightly better off than the face-to-face graduates. Online is a specific skill that face-to-face students do not get, whereas an online graduate can migrate to face-to-face more easily, especially with the detailed step by step ideas outlined in
    MASTERING the LEGO Serious Play method.
  • Will I be trained and skilled to perform both online and face-to-face facilitation after taking an online class?
    The online training does not cover specific techniques we teach face-to-face, equally, the face-to-face training does not cover techniques we teach online!

    Face-to-face workshop facilitation is extensively covered in our book ‘
    MASTERING’ (which you will get a free digital copy of). So, if you do your homework, and are already a confident facilitator you will be able to apply what you learn in an online training in face to face workshops.

    But let's be clear, online and face to face delivery need specific skills and therefore the two trainings are slightly different.
  • What is the difference between Individual and Shared model Facilitation?
    Build Level 1 - Individual Model Building is when people work alone to build models
    Build Level 2 - Shared Model Building is when groups work together to build common ideas.

    You can see more about the differences in our SERIOUSWORK book preview
  • Do I have to be trained in LEGO Serious Play, or are these courses OK for novices too?
    These courses are designed for novice LEGO Serious Play facilitators, but we have also had graduates from other trainings attend to learn the online skills we have created.
  • I have another question!
    If you have a question not answered here, please drop hi@serious.global an email and we will get back to you. Thank you :)
Booking questions
  • What is the total cost in my currency?
    Use this currency converter to find out.
  • Refund policy
    Our courses are carefully designed to give small groups of participants opportunities to facilitate (and be facilitated by the other participants) though build levels 1 and 2. The numbers are limited; people pulling out will affect the experience for the other learners. We also book and pay for venue and food ahead of the training. For this reason we ask for a deposit.

    book your place on a course please pay your deposit for the course you wish to attend. The balance must be paid in full four weeks before the course begins.

    Should you be unable to attend the training, we will be happy to transfer your booking to another course or provide a full refund as long as it is more than six weeks before the training date. If you cancel or cannot attend six weeks or less before the training date your payment is non refundable. In exceptional circumstances we have made exceptions to this policy.
  • What's included in the cost?
    Different courses include different things. The details are set out quite clearly on each training page.

    Online courses typically include
    + Bricks sent by post
    + Digital copies of books
    + Digital certificate
    + Lifetime access to our graduates only Circle Community, 'Inner Circle'

    Face-to-face courses typically include
    + Windows kit bricks
    + Paper copies of relevant books
    + Paper certificate
    + A nice venue
    + Tea, coffee and snacks
    + Lunch
    + Lifetime access to our graduates only Circle Community, 'Inner Circle'

    Course fees do not include travel to the city or accommodation.
  • In the unlikely event we must cancel a course …
    (And please check with us before booking travel)
    In the unlikely event that a course does not have the minimum number of participants, we will reschedule training.

    Our training is carefully designed to ensure that you receive brilliant facilitation training and so whilst changes are regrettable, we will always prioritise your learning experience.

    We will refund in full any money that you have paid to us in the event of us rescheduling the course that you can't attend.

    Note: We cannot reimburse the cost of any pre-booked travel or accommodation. Please contact us to get an update on course numbers before you book travel and we suggest you consider travel insurance to any bookings which are not refundable.
  • After training
    After training you'll be running workshops like these. You'll also be a member of our graduates only Slack channel where you get get on going support as you prepare for workshops and develop your practice.

    Graduates who have opportunities to facilitate multi-day system level workshops can get
    advanced certification though training and or coaching.
  • Other Questions
    If you have any other questions please email Hi@Serious.Global.
LEGO, SERIOUS PLAY, the Minifigure and the Brick and Knob configurations are trademarks of the LEGO Group, which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this website. SeriousWork respects and aligns with the the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® trademark guidelines

SERIOUSWORK uses the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method described in the LEGO Group Open Source Guide made available by LEGO under a Creative Commons licence ‘Attribution Share Alike’

©SERIOUSWORK 2023. SeriousWork and ProMeet are a part of Serious Outcomes Ltd a UK based company number 11115058.